Engineer - Java Development

Internship program for Engineer - Java Development.
74 applicants.
Tasks and Duties
Week 1 Task: Java Syntax and Basic Operations:

The objective of this week's task is to build a solid foundation in Java syntax and basic operations. You are expected to create a comprehensive DOC file that includes various examples of Java syntax and basic operations such as: variables, data types, operators, control statements, loops, and arrays. Each example should be accompanied by a brief explanation and a code snippet. You should also include a section on error handling and exceptions. The evaluation will be based on the completeness, clarity, and correctness of your examples and explanations. Key steps to complete this task include researching, coding, testing, and documenting your findings.

Week 2 Task: Object-Oriented Programming in Java:

The goal for this week is to delve into the principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Java. Your task is to create a DOC file that explains the concepts of classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, and encapsulation in Java. Along with the explanation, include practical examples of each concept. Your deliverable should also have a section dedicated to discussing the importance of OOP in Java. The evaluation will be based on your understanding of the concepts, the quality of your examples, and your ability to explain the importance of OOP.

Week 3 Task: Data Structures in Java:

The focus for this week is to understand and implement various data structures using Java. You need to create a DOC file that discusses and provides examples of the use of arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, and hash maps in Java. Each example should be followed by a brief explanation of the data structure, its practical use cases, and its efficiency in terms of time and space complexity. Evaluation will be based on your understanding of data structures, correctness and efficiency of your code, and the quality of your explanations.

Week 4 Task: Java I/O and Exception Handling:

This week, you will explore Java's capabilities for Input/Output (I/O) operations and exception handling. You are to create a DOC file that provides examples of file handling operations like reading, writing, updating, and deleting a file in Java. This file should also include examples of handling checked and unchecked exceptions. Each example should have an explanation and a code snippet. Your work will be evaluated on the correctness of your code, your understanding of I/O operations and exception handling, and the clarity of your explanations.

Week 5 Task: Multithreading in Java:

This week's task is to understand and implement multithreading in Java. You are to create a DOC file that explains the concept of multithreading, its advantages, and how it can be implemented in Java. This file should include code snippets demonstrating the creation of threads, synchronization, inter-thread communication, and thread pool in Java. Your work will be evaluated based on your understanding of multithreading, the correctness and efficiency of your code, and the quality of your examples and explanations.

Week 6 Task: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC):

The final week's task is to understand and implement Java's Database Connectivity (JDBC). You need to create a DOC file that explains JDBC and its API. This file should include examples of connecting to a database, creating a table, inserting, updating, deleting, and retrieving data using Java. The database used should be publicly available or created by you for demonstration. Your work will be evaluated based on your understanding of JDBC, the correctness of your code, and the clarity of your explanations.

Inspiration Company Name: Dish

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