Tasks and Duties
Week 1 Task: Financial Statement Analysis:
This task focuses on analyzing a company's financial statements. You are to choose a publicly traded company and analyze its last three years of financial statements. The analysis should include the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. Perform a thorough ratio analysis and interpret the results. You should identify any trends or changes that could indicate potential challenges or opportunities for the company. The final deliverable should be a comprehensive report in a DOC file format outlining your findings and making suggestions for future financial strategies. The report should include a summary of each financial statement, ratio analysis, interpretation, and suggestions for future strategies.
Week 2 Task: Investment Portfolio Analysis:
For this task, you will be creating a mock investment portfolio. Use publicly available data to choose five companies to invest in. You should include a mix of companies, including high-risk, medium-risk, and low-risk investments. Provide a detailed analysis of each company, including financial analysis, risk assessment, and projected returns. Compile your analysis into a comprehensive report in a DOC file. Your report should include a summary of each company, their financial analysis, risk assessment, projected returns, and why you chose to include them in your portfolio.
Week 3 Task: Budget Forecasting:
This task involves creating a one-year budget forecast for a hypothetical company. This should include revenue forecasts, cost estimates, and projected net income. You should base your estimates on trends in the industry and economy. Your deliverable for this task will be a detailed budget forecast in a DOC file. The forecast should include the revenue forecast, cost estimates, projected net income, and explanations for your estimates. Make sure to include a section on potential risks and opportunities that could impact the forecast.
Week 4 Task: Risk Management Plan:
For this task, you will be creating a risk management plan for a hypothetical company. Identify potential financial risks and create strategies to mitigate these risks. Your risk management plan should be detailed and cover all potential financial risks, including market risks, credit risks, and operational risks. The final deliverable will be a comprehensive risk management plan in a DOC file. This should include a description of each identified risk, the potential impact on the company's finances, and the proposed strategy to mitigate the risk.
Week 5 Task: Financial Modeling:
This task involves building a financial model for a hypothetical company. The financial model should include projections for revenue, costs, and net income for the next five years. You should also include a sensitivity analysis to show how changes in key variables can impact the company's finances. Your deliverable for this task will be a detailed financial model in a DOC file. The model should include projections for revenue, costs, and net income, a sensitivity analysis, and explanations for your projections.
Week 6 Task: Mergers and Acquisitions Analysis:
For the final task, you will be analyzing a hypothetical merger or acquisition. Choose two publicly traded companies and analyze the potential financial implications of a merger or acquisition. This should include an analysis of the potential benefits, risks, and costs. Your deliverable for this task will be a comprehensive analysis in a DOC file. The analysis should include a description of the potential benefits, risks, and costs of the merger or acquisition, and a recommendation on whether the merger or acquisition should proceed.