Tasks and Duties
Week 1: Market Analysis and Demand Forecasting:
The first task of your internship involves a thorough analysis of the market and demand forecasting. The objective is to understand the market trends, customer behavior, and predict future demands. You need to submit a detailed report in a DOC file that includes market statistics, customer behavior analysis, and demand forecast for the next quarter. Steps: 1. Choose a product/service in the SAC sector. 2. Research the market trends and customer behavior concerning your chosen product/service. 3. Make use of publicly available data for reference. 4. Based on your research, predict the demand for the next quarter. Deliverable: A DOC file containing a report of your market analysis and demand forecasting. Evaluation Criteria: Quality of research, accuracy of demand forecast, and presentation of your report.
Week 2: Strategic Planning:
This week, you will create a strategic plan for a chosen product/service. The focus should be on creating a comprehensive plan that includes objectives, key performance indicators (KPIs), and strategies to achieve these objectives. Steps: 1. Select a product/service. 2. Define clear objectives and KPIs for your strategic plan. 3. Identify strategies to achieve these objectives. 4. Outline potential challenges and your plan to overcome them. Deliverable: A DOC file containing your strategic plan. Evaluation Criteria: Clear definition of objectives and KPIs, feasibility of strategies, and how well potential challenges are addressed.
Week 3: Budget Planning:
This week, you will create a budget plan for your product/service. The objective is to allocate resources effectively to different areas of operation. Steps: 1. Identify the different areas that require budget allocation. 2. Determine the amount of budget required for each area. 3. Justify your budget allocation with solid reasoning. Deliverable: A DOC file containing your budget plan with detailed allocations and justifications. Evaluation Criteria: Effectiveness of allocation, justification of allocation, and overall coherence of the budget plan.
Week 4: Operational Planning:
This week, you are tasked with creating an operational plan for your product/service. The objective is to ensure smooth operation and to manage the resources effectively. Steps: 1. Identify the key operational activities. 2. Define the process, resources required, and timeline for each activity. 3. Design a contingency plan for potential operational disruptions. Deliverable: A DOC file containing your operational plan and contingency plan. Evaluation Criteria: Completeness of the operational plan, feasibility of the timeline, and effectiveness of the contingency plan.
Week 5: Performance Evaluation:
This week's task involves evaluating the performance of your strategic plan. The objective is to understand the effectiveness of your strategies and to improve them. Steps: 1. Identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) for your strategic plan. 2. Evaluate the performance based on the KPIs. 3. Identify areas of improvement and propose improvements. Deliverable: A DOC file containing your performance evaluation and proposed improvements. Evaluation Criteria: Thoroughness of the evaluation, quality of proposed improvements, and overall understanding of the performance evaluation process.
Week 6: Presentation of Overall Plan:
For your final task, you will be summarizing your overall strategic, budgetary, operational plans and performance evaluation in a comprehensive report. The objective is to present all your findings, plans, and improvements in a cohesive manner. Steps: 1. Summarize your strategic, budgetary, and operational plans. 2. Present your performance evaluation and proposed improvements. 3. Write a conclusion reflecting on your overall experience and learning. Deliverable: A DOC file containing your comprehensive report. Evaluation Criteria: Coherence of the report, presentation of the plans and evaluation, and quality of reflection in the conclusion.