Tasks and Duties
Week 1 Task: Supply Chain Risk Assessment:
The objective of this task is to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment of a hypothetical company's supply chain. Your deliverable will be a detailed DOC file report that identifies potential risks, their impacts, and mitigation strategies. The key steps include: (1) Defining the supply chain process of a hypothetical company (2) Identifying potential risks in each step (3) Assessing the potential impacts of the risks (4) Proposing mitigation strategies for each risk (5) Writing a detailed report in a DOC file. The evaluation criteria will be based on the comprehensiveness of the risk assessment, the practicality of the proposed mitigation strategies, and the overall quality of the report. This task will require research on supply chain management and risk assessment techniques. It is designed to enhance your understanding of the crucial role of risk management in supply chain operations.
Week 2 Task: Supply Chain Cost Analysis:
The objective of this task is to perform a cost analysis on a hypothetical company's supply chain. The deliverable will be a detailed DOC file report that breaks down the costs associated with each step in the supply chain, identifies areas for cost reduction, and proposes strategies to achieve these reductions. The key steps include: (1) Defining the supply chain process of a hypothetical company (2) Identifying and quantifying the costs in each step (3) Identifying potential areas for cost reduction (4) Proposing strategies to reduce costs (5) Writing a detailed report in a DOC file. The evaluation criteria will be based on the accuracy of the cost analysis, the viability of the proposed cost reduction strategies, and the overall quality of the report. This task will require research on supply chain cost structures and cost reduction techniques.
Week 3 Task: Supply Chain Sustainability Assessment:
The objective of this task is to conduct a sustainability assessment of a hypothetical company's supply chain. The deliverable will be a detailed DOC file report that evaluates the environmental and social impacts of each step in the supply chain, identifies areas for improvement, and proposes sustainable practices. The key steps include: (1) Defining the supply chain process of a hypothetical company (2) Evaluating the environmental and social impacts of each step (3) Identifying potential areas for improvement (4) Proposing sustainable practices (5) Writing a detailed report in a DOC file. The evaluation criteria will be based on the thoroughness of the sustainability assessment, the practicality of the proposed sustainable practices, and the overall quality of the report. This task will require research on sustainable supply chain management practices and sustainability assessment techniques.
Week 4 Task: Supply Chain Technology Implementation Plan:
The objective of this task is to develop a plan for implementing a new technology in a hypothetical company's supply chain. The deliverable will be a detailed DOC file report that identifies a suitable technology, explains its benefits, outlines the implementation steps, and anticipates potential challenges. The key steps include: (1) Researching current technologies used in supply chain management (2) Selecting a suitable technology for the hypothetical company (3) Identifying the benefits of the chosen technology (4) Outlining the steps for implementing the technology (5) Anticipating potential challenges and proposing solutions (6) Writing a detailed report in a DOC file. The evaluation criteria will be based on the relevance of the chosen technology, the feasibility of the implementation plan, and the overall quality of the report. This task will require research on supply chain technologies and technology implementation strategies.