Tasks and Duties
Week 1 Task: EHS Management System Development:
This week's task will focus on the development of an Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) management system. You are required to create a comprehensive plan for an EHS management system for a hypothetical organization in the pharmaceutical industry. Your plan should include details on policies, procedures, and controls needed to manage EHS risks. It should also address regulatory compliance, training, audits, and incident management. The task should be completed in a DOC format and submitted at the end of the week. The evaluation will be based on the comprehensiveness of the plan, the understanding of EHS risks and controls, and the quality of the written communication.
Week 2 Task: EHS Risk Assessment:
This week, you will perform a hypothetical EHS risk assessment for a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. The task involves identifying potential EHS hazards associated with the plant's operations, assessing the risk level of each hazard, and proposing control measures to mitigate these risks. The submitted document should include a detailed description of each identified hazard, its risk level, and the proposed control measures. The evaluation will be based on the thoroughness of the risk assessment, the appropriateness of the proposed control measures, and the quality of the written communication.
Week 3 Task: EHS Audit Plan:
For the third week, your task is to develop an audit plan to assess the EHS performance of a hypothetical pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. The audit plan should cover all major EHS aspects including waste management, air emissions, water discharge, chemical management, occupational health, and safety. The plan should also include a schedule, resources required, and a checklist of audit points. The evaluation will be based on the comprehensiveness of the audit plan, the relevance of the audit points, and the quality of the written communication.
Week 4 Task: EHS Training Program:
This week, you are required to design a training program to enhance EHS awareness and capabilities among employees in a hypothetical pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. The training program should cover key EHS topics and include objectives, content, methods, schedule, and evaluation. The training program should be designed to meet the specific EHS needs of different job roles in the plant. The evaluation will be based on the relevance of the training content, the effectiveness of the training methods, and the quality of the written communication.
Week 5 Task: EHS Incident Investigation:
For the final week, your task is to conduct a mock incident investigation for a hypothetical EHS incident in a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. You should identify the root cause of the incident, assess the impact, and propose corrective actions to prevent recurrence. The document should include a detailed description of the incident, the investigation process, the root cause analysis, and the proposed corrective actions. The evaluation will be based on the thoroughness of the investigation, the effectiveness of the root cause analysis, and the appropriateness of the proposed corrective actions.