Lead Engineer - Dynatrace

Internship program for Lead Engineer - Dynatrace.
74 applicants.
Tasks and Duties
Week 1 Task: Design a Performance Monitoring Strategy for a Hypothetical System:

Your task for this week is to design a performance monitoring strategy for a hypothetical system using Dynatrace. You must identify the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be monitored, explain why they are important, and outline how you would use Dynatrace to monitor them. Your final deliverable will be a DOC file that includes a detailed description of the system, the KPIs, and the monitoring strategy. Key steps to complete the task include researching KPIs and performance monitoring, defining the system and KPIs, and outlining the monitoring strategy. The evaluation criteria will be the completeness of the system and KPIs description, the appropriateness of the KPIs selected, the clarity of the monitoring strategy, and the overall quality of the document.

Week 2 Task: Implementing a Hypothetical Monitoring Solution:

This week, you will implement a hypothetical monitoring solution for the system and KPIs you identified in Week 1. You will describe in detail how you would use Dynatrace to set up monitoring for each KPI, including the specific features or tools of Dynatrace you would use. Your deliverable will be a DOC file that outlines each step of the implementation process. The key steps to complete this task include reviewing the Dynatrace documentation, defining the implementation steps, and documenting the process in detail. The evaluation criteria will be the feasibility of the implementation plan, the thoroughness of the description, and the overall quality of the document.

Week 3 Task: Analyzing Performance Data:

For this week's task, you will analyze hypothetical performance data from the monitoring solution you designed. You should identify any issues or areas for improvement and suggest possible solutions. Your final deliverable will be a DOC file that includes the data analysis and recommendations. Key steps include creating hypothetical data, analyzing the data to identify issues or trends, and suggesting solutions or improvements. The evaluation criteria will be the thoroughness of the data analysis, the quality of the recommendations, and the overall quality of the document.

Week 4 Task: Presenting a Performance Report:

This week, you will prepare a detailed performance report based on the data analysis you conducted in Week 3. The report should provide an overview of the system's performance, highlight any issues, and present your recommendations. Your final deliverable will be a DOC file that includes the report. Key steps to complete the task include reviewing the data analysis, preparing the report, and refining the document for clarity and persuasiveness. The evaluation criteria will be the clarity and comprehensiveness of the report, the persuasiveness of the recommendations, and the overall quality of the document.

Inspiration Company Name: Dish

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